Courses Supported
All courses listed below are supported through our tutoring services for the Fall 2024 semester. We are in the process of updating our list of supported courses for Spring 2025. Those updates will be added by the end of the first week of classes. Those courses with * indicates support offered through our drop-in tutoring program. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact us directly at or 785-864-7733.
ACCT 200: Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
ACCT 201: Managerial Accounting I
ACCT 320: Intermediate Accounting I
ACCT 325: Managerial Accounting II
ACCT 410: Intermediate Accounting II
Aerospace Engineering
AE 345: Fluid Mechanics
AE 545: Fundamentals of Aerodynamics
BIOL 100: Principles of Biology
BIOL 101: Principles of Biology, Honors
BIOL 102: Principles of Biology Lab
BIOL 150: Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology
BIOL 151: Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Honors
BIOL 152: Principles of Organismal Biology
BIOL 154: Introductory Biology Lab for STEM Majors
BIOL 203: Introductory Microbiology Laboratory
BIOL 240: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy
BIOL 241: Human Anatomy Observation Lab
BIOL 246: Principles of Human Physiology
BIOL 247: Principles of Human Physiology Lab
BIOL 350: Principles of Genetics
BIOL 360: Principles of Genetics, Honors
BIOL 400: Fundamentals of Microbiology
BIOL 401: Fundamentals of Microbiology, Honors
BIOL 402: Fundamentals of Microbiology Lab
BIOL 405: Laboratory in Genetics
BIOL 416: Cell Structure & Function
BIOL 503: Immunology
BIOL 600: Introduction to Biochemistry
BLAW 301: Legal Aspects of Business
BLAW 302: Legal Aspects of Business, Honors
BSAN 202: Statistics
BUS 110: Introduction to Professionalism
BUS 120: Emerging Topics in Business
BUS 150: Foundations of Business
C&PE 211: Material and Energy Balances
CHEM 130: General Chemistry I
CHEM 135: General Chemistry II
CHEM 170: Chemistry for Chemical Sciences I
CHEM 190: Foundations of Chemistry I, Honors
CHEM 330: Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 335: Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 380: Organic Chemistry I, Honors
CLSX 148: Greek and Roman Mythology
ECON 104: Introductory Economics
ECON 142: Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 143: Principles of Microeconomics, Honors
ECON 144: Principles of Macroeconomics
EECS 138: Introduction to Computing
EECS 140:Introduction to Digital Logic Design
EECS 168: Programming I
EECS 169: Programming I, Honors
FIN 310: Finance
FIN 311: Finance, Honors
GEOL 101: The Way the Earth Works
HEIM 230: Medical Terminology
HSES 269: Introduction to Exercise Science
HSES 330: Principles of Nutrition & Health
IST 310: Introductory Information & Management Production Systems
JMC 408: Media Law and Ethics
CHIN 104: Elementary Chinese I
CHIN 204: Intermediate Chinese I
CHIN 504: Advanced Modern Chinese I
ITAL 110: Elementary Italian I
ITAL 120: Elementary Italian II
RUSS 104: Elementary Russian I
RUSS 108: Elementary Russian II
RUSS 204: Intermediate Russian I
RUSS 208: Intermediate Russian II
SPAN 104: Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 108: Intensive Elementary Spanish
SPAN 212: Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 216: Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 324: Grammar and Composition
SPAN 328: Intermediate Spanish Conversation
MATH 002: Intermediate Mathematics
MATH 101: College Algebra
MATH 103: Trigonometry
MATH 104: Precalculus Mathematics*
MATH 110: Math for Elementary School Teachers II
MATH 115: Calculus I
MATH 116: Calculus II
MATH 125: Calculus I
MATH 126: Calculus II
MATH 127: Calculus III
MATH 145: Calculus I, Honors
MATH 146: Calculus II, Honors
MATH 147: Calculus III, Honors
MATH 220: Applied Differential Equations
MATH 221: Applied Differential Equations, Honors
MATH 290: Elementary Linear Algebra
MATH 291: Elementary Linear Algebra, Honors
MATH 365: Elementary Statistics
MATH 526: Applied Mathematical Statistics I
MATH 647: Applied Partial Differential Equations
ME 211: Statics & Introduction to Mechanics
ME 212: Basic Engineering Thermodynamics
ME 228: Computer Graphics
ME 311: Mechanics of Materials
ME 320: Dynamics
ME 510: Fluid Mechanics
MTHC 105: Theory I
MTHC 106: Aural Skills I
MTHC 115: Theory II
MTHC 116: Aural Skills II
PHSX 114: College Physics I*
PHSX 115: College Physics II*
EPHS 210/ PHSX 210: General Physics I for Engineers
PHSX 211: General Physics I
PHSX 212: General Physics II
PHSX 214: General Physics II, Honors
PHSX 216: General Physics I Lab
PHSX 236: General Physics II Lab
POLS 170: Introduction to International Politics
PSYC 104: General Psychology
PSYC 200: Research Methods in Psychology
PSYC 210: Statics in Psychological Research
PSYC 350: Psychological Disorders
PSYC 361: Social Psychology, Honors
PSYC 535: Developmental Psychopathology
PSYC 545: Culture and Psychology
SOC 104: Elements of Sociology