Courses Supported

All courses listed below are supported through our tutoring services for the Spring 2025 semester. Those courses with * indicates support offered through our drop-in tutoring program. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact us directly at or 785-864-7733.

ACCT 200: Fundamentals of Financial Accounting*  

ACCT 201: Managerial Accounting I*  

ACCT 320: Intermediate Accounting I* 

ACCT 325: Managerial Accounting II*  

ACCT 410: Intermediate Accounting II*  

ACCT 425: Accounting Information Systems* 

Aerospace Engineering

AE 245: Intro to Aerospace Engineering

AE 345: Fluid Mechanics 

AE 508: Aerospace Structures II

AE 545: Fundamentals of Aerodynamics

AE 551: Dynamics of Flight II 

ASTR 191: Contemporary Astronomy


BIOL 100: Principles of Biology 

BIOL 101: Principles of Biology, Honors 

BIOL 150: Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology* 

BIOL 151: Principles of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Honors* 

BIOL 152: Principles of Organismal Biology*  

BIOL 154: Introductory Biology Lab for STEM Majors 

BIOL 203: Introductory Microbiology Laboratory*  

BIOL 240: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy* 

BIOL 241: Human Anatomy Observation Lab*  

BIOL 246: Principles of Human Physiology*  

BIOL 247: Principles of Human Physiology Lab*  

BIOL 350: Principles of Genetics*  

BIOL 360: Principles of Genetics, Honors*  

BIOL 370: Introduction to Biostatistics

BIOL 400: Fundamentals of Microbiology 

BIOL 401: Fundamentals of Microbiology, Honors 

BIOL 402: Fundamentals of Microbiology Lab 

BIOL 405: Laboratory in Genetics

BIOL 416: Cell Structure & Function 

BIOL 600: Introduction to Biochemistry 

BUS 110: Introduction to Professionalism 

BUS 120: Emerging Topics in Business 

BUS 150: Foundations of Business

BUS 210: Career Management & Planning 

BSAN 202: Statistics* 

BE 301: Managerial Economics* 

BLAW 301: Legal Aspects of Business 

BLAW 302: Legal Aspects of Business, Honors 

C&PE 211: Material and Energy Balances 

CE 260: Statics and Dynamics

CHEM 130: General Chemistry I* 

CHEM 135: General Chemistry II* 

CHEM 150: Chemistry for Engineers

CHEM 195: Foundations of Chemistry II, Honors* 

CHEM 330: Organic Chemistry I* 

CHEM 335: Organic Chemistry II* 

CHEM 380: Organic Chemistry I, Honors* 

CHEM 385: Organic Chemistry II, Honors* 

CLSX 148: Greek and Roman Mythology 

ECON 104: Introductory Economics 

ECON 142: Principles of Microeconomics 

ECON 143: Principles of Microeconomics, Honors

ECON 144: Principles of Macroeconomics 

ECON 510: Energy Economics

ECON 520: Microeconomics 

EECS 138: Introduction to Computing*  

EECS 140: Introduction to Digital Logic Design

EECS 141: Introduction to Digital Logic Design, Honors

EECS 168: Programming I* 

EECS 169: Programming I, Honors* 

EECS 202: Circuits I 

EECS 210: Discrete Structures

EECS 220: Electromagnetics I

EECS 268: Programming II* 

EECS 330: Data Structures and Algorithms

EECS 348: Software Engineering I

EECS 388: Embedded Systems 

FIN 310: Finance*  

FIN 311: Finance, Honors*  

FIN 410: Investment Theory & Applications* 

FIN 413: Financial Markets & Intermediaries* 

GEOL 101: The Way the Earth Works 

HEIM 230: Medical Terminology 

HSES 269: Introduction to Exercise Science

HSES 305: Methods of Strength Training & Conditioning

HSES 330: Principles of Nutrition & Health*  

HSES 350: Care & Prevention Athletic Injuries

HSES 369: Kinesiology 

HSES 372: Exercise Physiology

IST 310: Introductory Information & Management Production Systems 

JMC 408: Media Law and Ethics 

CHIN 104: Elementary Chinese I* 

CHIN 204: Intermediate Chinese I*  

CHIN 504: Advanced Modern Chinese I* 

ITAL 110: Elementary Italian I 

ITAL 120: Elementary Italian II

RUSS 104: Elementary Russian I 

RUSS 108: Elementary Russian II 

RUSS 204: Intermediate Russian I

RUSS 208: Intermediate Russian II 

SPAN 104: Elementary Spanish I*  

SPAN 108: Intensive Elementary Spanish*  

SPAN 212: Intermediate Spanish I*  

SPAN 216: Intermediate Spanish II* 

SPAN 324: Grammar and Composition 

SPAN 328: Intermediate Spanish Conversation 

SPAN 424: Advanced Spanish Composition & Grammar

SPAN 428: Advanced Spanish Conversation

MATH 002: Intermediate Mathematics* 

MATH 101: College Algebra* 

MATH 103: Trigonometry* 

MATH 104: Precalculus Mathematics* 

MATH 115: Calculus I* 

MATH 116: Calculus II* 

MATH 125: Calculus I* 

MATH 126: Calculus II* 

MATH 127: Calculus III* 

MATH 146: Calculus II, Honors* 

MATH 147: Calculus III, Honors* 

MATH 220: Applied Differential Equations 

MATH 221: Applied Differential Equations, Honors 

MATH 290: Elementary Linear Algebra* 

MATH 291: Elementary Linear Algebra, Honors 

MATH 320: Elementary Differential Equations

MATH 365: Elementary Statistics 

MATH 500: Intermediate Analysis 

MATH 526: Applied Mathematical Statistics I 

MATH 558: Introductory to Modern Algebra

MATH 590: Linear Algebra

MATH 647: Applied Partial Differential Equations 

MKTG 305: Survey of Marketing

ME 208: Introduction to Digital Computing Methods in ME

ME 210: Introduction to Mechanics

ME 211: Statics & Introduction to Mechanics*  

ME 212: Basic Engineering Thermodynamics*  

ME 228: Computer Graphics 

ME 311: Mechanics of Materials 

ME 320: Dynamics* 

ME 508: Numerical Analysis of ME Problems

ME 510: Fluid Mechanics 

MTHC 115: Theory II* 

MTHC 116: Aural Skills II* 

PCS 120: Intro to Peace and Conflict Studies

PHIL 160: Introduction to Ethics

EPHX 210: General Physics I for Engineers

PHSX 114: College Physics I* 

PHSX 115: College Physics II* 

PHSX 191: Contemporary Astronomy* 

PHSX 211: General Physics I*  

PHSX 212: General Physics II* 

PHSX 216: General Physics I Lab 

PHSX 236: General Physics II Lab 

PHSX 313: General Physics III* 

POLS 170: Introduction to International Politics 

PSYC 104: General Psychology 

PSYC 200: Research Methods in Psychology 

PSYC 210: Statics in Psychological Research 

PSYC 318: Cognitive Psychology

PSYC 350: Psychological Disorders* 

PSYC 361: Social Psychology, Honors 

PSYC 390: The Psychology of Aging

PSYC 535: Developmental Psychopathology 

PSYC 545: Culture and Psychology 

SOC 104: Elements of Sociology 

SCM 310: Management Science & Operations Management* 

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