Instructor Center

We encourage faculty members to refer their undergraduate and graduate students to the KU Writing Center. If you recommend it, students will come. We request that you refer individuals rather than requiring every student to attend. We simply do not have the capacity! If you would like us to work with your entire class, we recommend In-Class Workshops (below). Feel free to use the Syllabus Statement for all your courses.

We encourage you to include this information about the KU Writing Center in your course syllabi: 

The KU Writing Center is a free service for KU undergraduate and graduate students, where trained peer consultants work with writers of all levels and abilities. You can work one-on-one with a writing consultant on any course assignment or writing project—essays, research papers, presentations, application essays, and more—at any point of completeness or incompleteness. To learn more, visit the website of KU Writing Center, and see our appointment hours and locations here

Our professional staff members are happy to assist faculty and instructors with designing assignments that incorporate writing into their courses. In addition to delivering in-class workshops or facilitating peer review sessions for your class (see the section on In-Class Workshops below), we can consult with instructors on assignment development and responding to student writing. Learn more and book a consultation on our Faculty Consultations page.

We offer 30 - 45 minute in-depth, hands-on workshops on specific topics, from thesis development to citation style, for both graduate and undergraduate courses. Please check each workshop description for details. We can also attend your class and give a 10-minute presentation that introduces your students to the KU Writing Center, our website, and our services. Instructors of record must be present during the workshop as their input is essential. 

Learn more and request a workshop on our Workshops page. If you have any questions about workshops, email us here

While we love when you encourage students to use the Writing Center, please do not require an entire class to make appointments at the Writing Center. We do not have the staff or space to guarantee each student an appointment before the deadline. If you would like to discuss alternative ways to support a full class, email us here

You can incentivize attending the Writing Center, such as through extra credit, if you’d like. However, inform your students that they should sign up for appointments well in advance of the deadline. The schedule can become fully booked, so we cannot guarantee any student an appointment. Also, encourage students to come in with specific questions about their writing. When students visit just to get extra credit points, it can lead to unproductive sessions. Attaching a short assignment to the visit, such as having students write a reflection on what they gained from their writing consultation, can make it more impactful as well. 

If you assign take-home essay exams, make it clear to your students whether they are allowed to use the Writing Center, preferably in writing within the exam instructions. Due to the number of courses at KU and the timing of appointments, we cannot check in with each instructor on their preferences. We are also not always aware whether a piece of writing is a regular assignment or an exam. It is the student’s responsibility to understand the class policies and only request assistance when allowed.  

Academic Support

Academic Consultations

The Academic Learning Center (ALC) meets individually with students seeking effective learning strategies for studying, note-taking, test preparation, and time management. KU faculty and staff may refer students to the ALC by having students email Consultations are free of charge and all students (undergraduate and graduate students) may make an appointment.

Supplemental Instruction

SI works with faculty in providing peer facilitated study sessions outside of the classroom. SI Leaders (undergraduate students who have been referred by instructors) hold SI sessions, office hours, attend lectures, and meet regularly with the SI Supervisor and instructor. If faculty are interested in incorporating SI into their course, they may phone us at 785-864-7733.

Tutoring Services

Small group peer led tutoring is available on campus for undergraduate students. Tutor groups are course specific and are designed to provide out-of-class discussion and practice.

Peer Academic Coach, SI Leader, Tutor, and Writing Consultant Eligibility

All student staff for the Center for Learning and Writing must provide faculty/instructor references, have scored a B or higher in the course(s) selected for support (if applicable for the position), successfully pass the interview, attend required trainings before and during each semester, and receive a formal evaluation.

Tutor Training

All student staff for the Center for Learning and Writing Support are trained in position-appropriate college student learning and literacy development theories, individual session and group facilitation skills, and coaching, writing consulting, and/or tutoring strategies. Each student staff member is formally evaluated each semester and receives a copy of the formal evaluation analysis for the purposes of reflection, introspection, and areas for improvement.

Faculty/Instructor Reference

Submit the online reference form

Student Referrals

If you have students to whom you would like to refer for tutoring, please have them go to Request a Tutor Group. Students may request tutor groups through the link provided on our website.

Instructor Request for Course Specific Tutoring

If you would like to have a tutor group developed for your course, please contact ALC Tutoring Services either at 785-864-7733 or email us at We will be happy to assist you.

Academic Workshops

Custom workshops are held during the fall semester and may be requested for classes by instructors or graduate teaching assistants throughout the academic year. Workshop topics may include: effective note-taking, study skills, test preparation, and time management. Workshops are open to all students (undergraduate and graduate) and pre-registration is not needed.